Reedsport, Oregon Exploring:

Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area miles East on Highway 38 is the famous Dean’s Creek Elk Viewing area currently sustaining hundreds of Oregon’s Roosevelt Elk in their natural habitat with viewing stations and nature photo opportunities without parallel. For a great short video clip click here.
Umpqua Discovery Center, Reedsport
409 Riverfront Way
Reedsport, OR 97467
An educational and cultural resource for all ages making active, innovative contributions to preserving the Oregon “Tidewater Community” experience. Interactive exhibits and programs illustrate how land, water and people have shaped each other over time. The Umpqua Discovery Center is open 7 days a week year round except for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Days.

Umpqua Lighthouse State Park Lighthouse State Park is located less than a mile from the famous Salmon Harbor on Winchester Bay. The campground and developed day use areas are centered around beautiful Lake Marie. Access to this small freshwater lake is provided for angling and non-motorized boating. There is also a small sandy beach set aside for swimming or just relaxing.